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Preview — Pragmatics of Human Communication by Paul Watzlawick
A perennial bestseller in hardback, now in Norton paperback—one of the best books ever about human communication, this book has formed the foundation of much research in interpersonal communication.
Published April 25th 2011 by W. W. Norton Company (first published 1967)
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Sep 20, 2012Jim Parker rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
While I first read this book and listened to lectures on it in 1969 it still very much alive for me today. I'm posting this review today because once again I will be teaching from this text in one of my classes.
Some of the ideas have fallen out of favor such as using double binds as an explanation for schizophrenia but much of what is in the book is still very valuable for understanding how we humans interact.
Despite the oversimplification of the first axiom, which states 'one cannot not communi...more
May 19, 2011Claudio rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Otro libro que cae en mi personal definición de 'DEBE leerse'. El texto presenta las 'leyes' de la comunicación y una forma de analizar sistémicamente las relaciones de las personas para explicar ciertas enfermedades. Su efecto es como el de una vacuna, creando anticuerpos al reconocer cuando se está en relaciones enfermas, y permitiendo actuar en consecuencia.
Nov 11, 2017soulAdmitted rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Testo sacro per chi sia punto o punta da vaghezza riguardo all'argomento. Un tema centrale: la comunicazione paradossale come scambio relazionale in cui non puoi né essere né non essere chi sei.
Feb 26, 2017
Jesus (Ego) rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Shelves: in-my-possession, psicología-y-psicoterapia
Imprescindible. Obviamente dirigido a lectores especializados pero creo que es moderadamente accesible a gente fuera del ámbito de la psicología, el pensamiento y la lógica que guste de conocer ensayos y ampliar conocimientos. Considero que puedes sacar provecho no sólo si eres terapeuta familiar desde el modelo sistémico; todos los psicólogos y profesionales que traten individuos o familias, se muevan en el modelo que sea, deberían leer este libro alguna vez. Tiene claves importantes sobre la c...more
Oct 21, 2017Mona rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
During my second year of psychology, I had to take a course of counseling, in which the teacher practically made us learn by heart the five axioms of communication. This is where I first came across Watzlawick and his fellows work on the pragmatics of human communication. Very intrigued and honestly, quite fascinated by what the axioms imply on a practical level, I looked his publications up and there came this book.
When you first read the title (and subtitle), you immediately know it is not on...more
Sep 18, 2015Juan rated it really liked it · review of another edition
La lectura de este libro me ha demostrado qué inútiles y complicadas pueden llegar a ser las recomendaciones bibliográficas universitarias sin una curación de contenidos previa. Estaba yo estudiando una asignatura del campo de la Comunicación y me decían que este libro era el más importante que podía leer por ser el núcleo del pensamiento de la Escuela de Palo Alto, la que nos traíamos entre manos en aquel momento. Lo que olvidaron mencionar, incluso en los apuntes de la asignatura, es que en Pa...more
Feb 17, 2017Pili rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Será de cinco estrellas cuando me saque una A en el examen.
Jan 14, 2016Brenda rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Pragmatica Della Comunicazione Umana Ebook Store Free
Un libro imprescindible.
Plantea los cinco axiomas de la comunicación, explicados de una manera clarísima. Con ejemplos concretos y con un orden lógico impecable.
1. Es imposible no comunicarse:
2. Toda comunicación tiene un nivel de contenido y un nivel de relación, de tal manera que el último clasifica al primero, y es, por tanto, una metacomunicación.
3. La naturaleza de una relación depende de la puntuación que los participantes hagan de las secuencias comunicacionales entre ellos.
4. La comunic...more
Sep 20, 2013Ondrej Havlicek rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Když jsem začal knihu číst, nějak podvědomě jsem očekával, že se v ní dočtu o praktických komunikačních technikách a situacích, které mohou v komunikaci nastat. Byl jsem tedy lehce překvapen – a postupem času stále více příjemně – že se kniha zabývá něčím trochu jiným. Pragmatika lidské komunikace je jednou ze složek komunikace – další jsou syntax a sémantika – která se týká chování všech zúčastněných. V knize je problematika pragmatiky lidské komunikace široce rozebrána a činí tuto knihu průkop...more
Jun 04, 2019Sofi Alonso rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Súper interesante, este libro es una joya de la investigación en comunicación humana. Súper completo y fundamental para cualquiera que trabaje en el campo de las relaciones entre personas.
Jun 25, 2014Domenico rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
“Pragmatica della comunicazione umana” non è solo un libro per addetti ai lavori, bensì qualcosa di più: è un’avventura entusiasmante. Gli autori, tra cui quello di spicco è sostanzialmente Paul Watzlawick, uno dei massimi studiosi della comunicazione nonché uno dei fondatori della scuola di Palo Alto, ridefiniscono il paradigma comunicativo statico e lo arricchiscono con modelli teorici mutuati da altre discipline: dalla filosofia della scienza (Popper un nome fra tutti), alla cibernetica (con...more
Dec 18, 2015Arda rated it liked it · review of another edition
Notes from midterm:
Watzlawick, Beavin, and Jackson also assert the vital role of interpretation in communication. Like Mead, they touch upon the idea of intuition, but not in the way of gestures and reflexes, but rather, in their view that human intuition is expressed through the classification of the digital vs. the analogic modes of communication. The analogic means of communication, they contend, is deep-rooted in our system of understanding through relationships, and does not rely on verbal...more
Aug 18, 2013Helixsands rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This has been by far one of my favorite books for quite awhile, it offers significant insight into the significance of patterns in communication, paradoxical communication, metacommunication, complementary and symmetrical schizmogenesis. If you have the patience to make your way through this publication, in my perception, you can gain valuable knowledge from authors that are proven experts in the field.
Dec 03, 2016Alex Giurgea rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Unul din formatorii mei mi-a recomandat aceasta carte, numind-o 'cea mai buna carte despre comunicarea umana'. O carte revolutionara scrisa in anii '70 care a pus bazele unei noi modalitati de abordare a psihoterapiei plecand de la modalitatile in care comunicam si efectele comportamentale pragmatice ale comunicarii.
Mar 29, 2017Jan rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
One of the must reads on human communications, one of my all time favorites. Fundamental. Language - and this is what Paul seems to have missed - is a meta-language too. You cannot not-talk about language without using (digital) language. And the use of this type of language implies I cannot convey the meaning of this gem.
Feb 23, 2013pjr8888 marked it as to-read · review of another edition
a textbook from a class i took psych communications/interviewing at the Professional School of Psychology, San Francisco.
Oct 14, 2013Kai Bauer rated it liked it · review of another edition
Manchmal ganz schön auf dem Holzweg gewesen der Herr Watzlawick...
Aug 25, 2012Bill Baer rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Excellent book for anyone interested in Language and its meaning and use.
Dec 11, 2013Laura Hunter rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Mind adding and opening (and even some positive closing:)
Jun 09, 2009Ryan Hartberg rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Quite possibly the smartest and most-readable book on communication theory ever written.
Oct 05, 2016Alejandra rated it really liked it · review of another edition
4.5 stars. Requires more than one read, but I believe it is a must read for everyone in the behavioral sciences.
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Aug 09, 2012Tina rated it liked it · review of another edition
Wacky. Best quote--'We can not not communicate.'
Nicola Maffei rated it really liked it
Apr 14, 2013
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Barbora Romanovská rated it it was amazing
Jun 14, 2015
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Was an Austrian-American psychologist and philosopher. A theoretician in communication theory and radical constructivism, he has commented in the fields of family therapy and general psychotherapy. He was one of the most influential figures at the Mental Research Institute and lived and worked in Palo Alto, California, until his death at the age of 85
“The loss or the absence of meaning in life is perhaps the most common denominator of all forms of emotional distress; it is especially the much-commented-on 'modern' illness.” — 0 likes
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“It seems to us that in its most basic definition, existential despair is the painful discrepancy between what is and what should be, between one's perceptions ans one's third-order premises.” — 0 likes
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