F1 Manager 2001 Games

F1 Manager 2000 from Intelligent Games is a decent F1 manager game that unfortunately was too bug-riddled in the first release to pose any real challenge to the superb Grand Prix Manager 2 game from Edcom/MicroProse.

Posted by2 years ago
F1 Manager 2001 Games

Hello there! This may not be the best place to ask this (I have asked everywhere else though) but I am in need of help with running this old gem of a game on windows 10!

When I launch this game it goes about the loading screen and into animation, but after that 90% of the time it bluescreens with the report 'VIDEO_TDR_ERROR'. I know whats probably causing this, as I run 2 monitors in extended display off my graphics card so I imagine downsizing to such a small resolution gives my GPU a seizure. Thing is I cannot be assed removing my display from the display propertis every time I want to play F1 Manager (and i'd love it if i could keep use of that monitor with the game on anyway). Guess my only solution is if there is any way to force the game to run in a higher resolution (preferable 1920x1080, although i run counter strike at 1024x764 and that has not given me issue so a lower resolution is probably still functional.)

Thank you :)

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