English-khmer Math Dictionary Pdf

English-khmer Math Dictionary PdfEnglish-khmer Math Dictionary Pdf

<p> -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 1 9 Khmer IT for Youwww.khmeritforyou.blogspot.com -t|e-book ( { ) t - 2 - tIT (Information Technology) DictionaryEnglish - Khmer - Englisht Ut ]t </p><p> t { 1.0Version 1.0 03/2008 { H U 2</p><p> { ] U 2]</p><p> 2 </p><p> ,2 ]2 !2 </p><p> { (l1.lnrcrmatlcn1echnclcgy) 2]] 2 </p><p> { ]| 2 { ] ] ]U { ~2~ 2 </p><p> { </p><p> ] !</p><p> ] </p><p>~|(e~bcck) </p><p>~ ~2 ~ 2 !</p><p> ! ! !... ] { </p><p> 2]</p><p> -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 2 9 U</p><p> ] U IA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2 U H U ] U U </p><p> MS. WINDOWS LINUX DEBIAN PHOTOSHOP CS3 Nvu DREAMWEAVER CS3 ] ] | U ] c$3 { CS3GMAIL (GOOGLE TALK)YAHOO (MESSENGER 9.0)HOTMAIL(LIVE MESSENGER)SKYPE ICQ (</p><p> U) ( ] )U ( ] ) U{XHTML CSS2 PHP SQL -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 3 9 2-D adj 3-D adj AA new replica DC ] H U Abbreviation n ()Ability n Abort tv Above prep/adv Absolute adj Absolute Link n , Absolute Path n </p><p>Absolute URL n URL Absolute Value n Abstract adj Abstract n Abuse n , Abuse tv Accelerator Board n |Accelerator Card n |, |Accelerator Key n |, ( ] Shortcut Key)Accent n |, Accent tv Accept tv Access tv 9Access Privileges n 9Access Rights n 9Access Speed n ]| 9Access Time n 9Access to the internet 9 Accessibility n 9Accessible adj 9Accessory n ]Account n Acquaintance n ] Across P Action n , Activate tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 4 9 Active adj Active Cell n Active Window n </p><p> Activity n Activity Indicator n AD (Active Directory) Adapt tv , HAdaptive adj , HAdaptor n , HAdd tv Add-In n </p><p> U ()</p><p> Add-On n </p><p> U () 2Address n Address Book n | Addressee n Addressing n ()Adjacent adj Adjust tv Administration n ()Administrator n , Advance iv 92Advanced adj ], , 2Advisor n Affect tv Agenda n 2, | UAgent n Aggregate Function </p><p>Aging n Agree tv , Agreement n (), Alert tv , Alert n , Alert Box n , Algorithm n ]</p><p>, Alias n , Aliasing n HHAlign tv All time n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 5 9 Allocate (Memory) tv ( )Allocation Memory n Allow tv Alphabetical adj ]Alphanumeric adj ]2Alter tv </p><p>Alternate v Alternative Display Alternative Text Ambient adj Analog n Analog data n , Analysis n ()Analyst n Analyze tv Anchor n Anchor tv Angle n Angle Bracket n |Angled Line Animation n Annotation n ]Announce tv , Announcement n , Annoy tv Annoying adj Anonymous adj Antenna n Anti-Aliasing n HHAnti-Glare Screen n Anti-Virus Program n Anyway , API(Application Programmer's Interface) 2 Appear iv Appearance n Append tv !Applet n Application n () -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 6 9 Application Programmer , Application software Apply tv , Apply for : ]Approach n Appropriate Approval n Approve v Approximate adj , 2 , Arc n </p><p>Archive n Archive tv Area n , Argument n Arrange tv | , | , |Array n Arrow n Arrow Down Arrow Left HArrow Right Arrow Up Arrowend n Arrowhead n {Article n , Ascending (Order) adj Ask tv Ask Every Time Aspect Ratio n Assembling n </p><p> ()Assign tv , Assign (Value) tv , Assignment (Home Work) n ()Assignment (Value) n , Assistive adj Associate tv , , Associated adj , Association n Assume tv Asterisk n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 7 9 Asynchronous adj Attach tv Attached adj Attachment n Attachment n Attempt tv Attention n Attractive adj Attribute n Audio adj , Audio Input n Audio Output n Authentic adj {Authenticate tv { , , Authentication n { , , Author n Authorization n , Authorized adj Auto pref Auto Completion n Auto Configuration n Auto Detection n Auto Filter n Auto Fit To ]</p><p> , Auto-Load tv </p><p>AutoAbstract n AutoAnswer n AutoCorrect n AutoFormat n AutoIncrement n AutoMail n , 2Automated Office n , Automatic adj Automation n Autopilot n Wizard, Autorun n , , Autosave n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 8 9 Autoscroll n Autotext n Availability n , Available adj , 2</p><p>, Available for chat 2</p><p>Avatar n UAverage adj/n ]Axis n ]BBack iv U, Back Door n Back End n Backbone n H 2Background n , Background Application n Background Task n Backlog n !Backup tv Backup n Backward adv 9 Bad adj , 2, Bad Area n , 2Bad Disk n , 2Bad Sector n , 2Balance tv ]Balance n ]Bandwidth (Digital Device) n </p><p> Bandwidth (Radio) n Banner n Banshee n Bar n Bar Chart n Bar Code n ] , Base n Base 10 n Base 16 n Base 2 n -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 9 9 Base 8 n Base Line Batch File n BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) n Beamer n Beauty n Begin tv Begin of Word ]Behavior n UBehind prep/adv Below prep/adv Beverage Bi-dimension Bibliography n , |Binary Number n Binary System n Bind tv Bit n </p><p>, {Bitmap n </p><p> -.bmpBlank adj ( )Blank Document n Blank Page n Blend n {Blend(tv) tv Blink n Block tv 2Block n </p><p>Blockquote n </p><p> , Blog n Bloggers n Blogroll n Bluetooth n Blur tv Blur iv , {Board n , Body n Bold adj Book Excerpt n | -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 10 9 Bookmark v/n Boolean n Boot tv Border n Border and Shading n Bottom n bouncing Bound n BoundaryBoundary n Box n Brace n ({ })Bracket n | ([])Brand n , UBreak n ] , Break tv ]Breakpoint n , Brief adj Brief n Brightness n , Bring Forward 92Bring to Front 2Broadband n Broadband Network n Broadcast tv ]</p><p>Brochure n Broken adj 2, Broken redirects page </p><p> Browse iv , Browser n , Brush n Buddy list Buffer n Bug n , Build tv Build ID n 2 , Built-In adj , , </p><p>, !</p><p>Bulk adj Bullet n ( ) -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 11 9 Bulletin n Bullets and Numbering n 2|Burn tv Bus n 2]</p><p> Business Card n Button n (), Byte n , </p><p>CCable Television ]2]Cache n (</p><p> )Calculation n , 2Calculator n 2Call tv Callback tv Callout n Calves n Cancel tv Capability n Capital Letter n ]Capitalize tv ]Caption n Card n Career n Carrier n </p><p> , </p><p> Cascade n {Case n Case Sensitive ], Case/Character (OOP) </p><p>]Cast Shadow Catalog n Category n CC (Carbon Copy) n Cell n Cell Pointer n Cell Reference n Center n Centimeter (Centimetre) n U , -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 12 9 Central Processing Unit (CPU) n , ]Centralized Network n </p><p> , ]Centralized Processing n ], </p><p>centrist Certificate n Certify tv Chairperson n , Challenge n ()Change Case (Ms. Office) </p><p>], </p><p>Channel (TV) n Character n ], Character Set n ], ]Characters n ]Charcoal Sketch ]</p><p>Charset n Character SetChart n Chart Area n Chat iv Chat Room n Check tv H, H, U , HCheckbox n H, UCheckerboard n Checksum n HChip n |, Chipset n |, Choice n Choose tv Chroma n Chrome n Cipher iv Circle iv , Circuit , 2] Circular Reference 92</p><p>Class n Classification n Clear tv , Click tv Client n , , U -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 13 9 Client Side , Client/Server Network U / Climate n Clip Art n Clipboard n |, ]Clockwise n Cloggers (Cambodian blogger) n 2 2 , 2Clone tv , , Close tv Code n ]coefficient n Collapse tv Collate tv Collect tv Collection n ()Color n Color Depth n HColor Palette n Color Scheme n Color Tolerance n Column n Column Break n Column Heading n {Columnar n , Combination n ] , Combine tv ]Combo Box (Combination Box) n ]Command n ]Command tv Command Line n Comment n Commit tv , Common adj 9, Communication n , , H HCompact adj Compact tv Compare tv |Compatibility n H -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 14 9 Compatible adj HCompile tv Complementary Close n Completed adj Complex Text Layout n </p><p> Component n , ]Compose tv Composer n Composition n Compress tv Compression n ( ), Compute tv Computer n 2]</p><p> , Concatenate tv Concatenation n ()Concave adj Concept n Concepts n ]Concordance n Concordant File n Condense tv , Condensed adj Condensed Spacing n Condition n 2Confidential adj U , Confidentiality n U , , Configuration n ()Configure tv Confirm tv , Confirmation n ()Conflict n , HCongratulations n Connect tv , Connection n , Connection Pools n Connector n Consecutive Numbering n 2| Consent iv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 15 9 Consider , Console n Consolidate tv Constant adj UConstraint n Constraint Proportion Consumer , Contact tv Contain tv Container n </p><p>Contemporary Content n 2 , Content adj Context n Continue tv Continue Search Backward UContinue Search Forward 92Contour n Contract tv Contract n {Contrast n ( ), ( )Contribute n Contribution n ()Contributor n Control n ] ()Control tr ]Control Center n ]Control Panel n ]Controller n ]Convene v Convention n Converge tv Conversion n ()Convert tv Converter n Cookies n 2UCool (Smiley) adj Copy n { -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 16 9 Copy tv Copyright tv {, , Copyright Year n {, Corner n Corner Radius Corner to Frame 9 Correct adj Correct tv Correspondence n H H ()Correspondent n HHCorrupted File n 2Count n Count tv Counter n Counter Variable n UCounterfeit n Counterfeit tv Cover n Crash n ()Crash tv Create tv credential |Credential n 2 Credit Credit Card n Criteria n Critical adj Crop tv Crop Tool n Cross-reference n HCryptography n CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) U{Curly Bracket n ({})Currency n Current adj </p><p>]Current Cell n </p><p>]Current Page n </p><p>]Current Window n </p><p>] -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 17 9 Cursor n ]Cursor n </p><p>Curve n 2]Custom adj 2</p><p>, , Customer n U Customization n </p><p> Customize tv </p><p>, </p><p>, Cut tv Cyberspace n , DDaemon n (] Disk And Execution MONitor)Damaged adj 2Dangerous adj Dash n Dash Line n Dashboard n Data n Data Capture n Data Source n Data Type n Database n Database Management n ()DataPilot n Date n , U2 Date Stamp n Deactivate tv Dead-end pages Debug tv Decimal Precision n 2 Decimal Separator n ]Declaration , (U)Declaration block Declare tv Decode tv ], ]Decoder n ], ]Decompress tv Decorate tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 18 9 Decrease tv Decrypt tv Default n Defective adj Define tv Definition n Defragmentation n | Degree n , Deinstall tv Delay n { ()Delay tv {Delayed adj Delete tv Delimit tv Delimiter n Deliver tv </p><p> 9Demilitarized Zone Demo (Demonstration) n ()Demographics Demote tv Denied adj Denominator n Denote tv Deny tv Department n Dependence n ]Desactivate v Descending (Order) adj ( )Describe Description n ()Deselect tv Design n ()Design tv Designation n ()Designer n Desktop n Desktop Computer n 2]</p><p> Destination n D -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 19 9 Detach tv Detail n Details Detect and Repair Detective n Developer n ]Development Cycle n 2]Device n , Diacritic, Diacritical Mark n Diagonal Line n Diagram n {Dial tv ( )Dial In tv Dial-Up Access n Dialect n Dialer n Dialog Box n Dictation Software n Difference 2Different 2Digit n 2Digital adj UDigital Data n , UDigital Signature n UDim adj Dimension n Dimensions n , Direct Access n 9 Direction n Directory n UDirectory Server n UDisable tv Disabled adj Disc n Discard tv , Disclaim tv Disclaimer n Disconnect tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 20 9 Discontinue tv ]Discussion n Disk n Disk Drive n Disk Space n Diskette n , (Floppy disk)Dispatch tv </p><p> Display n ()Display tv Dissertation n {, {Dissolve tv Distance n Distinct adj 2Distort tv Distribute tv Distribute Columns Evenly Distribute Rows Evenly Distribution n Distributor n Dithering tv Dividend n Division Sign n Divisor n Dock tv , 2Document n Document Begin Documentation n Domain n Domain Controller ] Domestic adj </p><p>Done adj Dossier n |, Dot n Dot Matrix Printer n </p><p>Dotted tv Double adj Double Click Double Line -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 21 9 Double Size Double Strikethrough HDouble Underline Double-sided adj Down Time 2Downgrade tv Download tv Downward adj/adv Draft n , Drag tv , Drastic Drawing Toolbar n Drive n Driver n Drop tv , Drop Cap ]2Drop Down Menu Drop Out tv Dumb Terminal n Dummy adj , Duplex adj Duplicate n {() Duplicate tv </p><p>Duration n UDVD (Digital Video Disk) n Dynamic adj EE-Book (Electronic Book) n | , </p><p>|E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce) n </p><p> E-Mail (Email) n </p><p>E-Mail Address n </p><p>E-Mail Client n </p><p>E-Mail Server n </p><p>ebook (electronic book) n </p><p>~|, | ecommerce (electronic commerce) n </p><p> Edge n Edit tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 22 9 Edit n Edition n Editor n , Editor rich editor Effect n , egovernance (electronic governance) n</p><p> ( , 2H , , , |, ... ) Eject (Disk) tv Elapse iv 9Elapsed adj 9Electronic Mail n , </p><p>Element n email (electronic mail) n </p><p> , </p><p> Embarrassed (Smiley) adj |Embed tv Embedded adj Emboss n Emboss(tv) tv | Embossed adj |Emerge tv Emoticon n Emphasis n ( )Empty tv Empty adj ( </p><p> )Emulate tv Emulator n </p><p>Enable tv , Enabled adj Encapsulate tv Enclosing character ] Enclosure n Encode tv </p><p>, ]Encoder n </p><p>, ]Encounter tv Encrypt tv ] , ] , End End User n -2- IT Dictiona...</p>
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  • Remaining adj!, Fixed adjPatch tv2Paginate tv -2- IT Dictionary English-Khmer-English, by Chhor Ran 100 9 2 Repaginate tv, Freeze tvEmbed tv Receipt n Return Receipt n, Prevent tvCreate tvGenerate tv, Spawn tv ]Solarization n Instantiate tv Recreate tv Regenerate tv Reestablish tvIncrease tv Optimize tvForce tv, Round tv Equalizer tvShrink.

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